Meet Our Veterinarians
The veterinary team at East Bundaberg Veterinary Hospital has a comprehensive knowledge spanning all facets of veterinary science. With some 80 years’ experience in small and large animal work along with the development of areas of special interest, we can offer a complete and caring service to you and your animals. So, come and meet us and find out who we are.

Dr David Challen
B.V.Sc. M.A.C.V.Sc. (Small Animal Internal Medicine and Feline Medicine)
Hi there, sit on down and let’s have a chat! I was schooled in Mt Isa and graduated as a vet from Queensland Uni in 1974 (and that is a long time ago). I left uni with a bottle of penicillin in the back pocket, a stethoscope around my neck, and a book on animal diseases in my hand. One of the problems is that I was not given that magic wand that fixes all diseases that other vets seem to have (especially TV vets). I set off into the world to save animals and to have a few laughs on the way. To some degree I have achieved both of these I have saved some animals (and lost others) and have had a lot of laughs (and a few cries) in the journey of my professional life.
Professional Career
I worked for some time in the dairy areas of Victoria before moving into the beef areas of the Far North of Queensland where to drive 200km to see a sick beast was common and most of the roads were dirt. Many an adventure was had in this period when veterinary science was young and inexperienced, I was young and inexperienced and the people who lived in the area were forgiving and wonderful down-to-earth types. The facilities I had to work in were rough and make-shift and most of the animals had to fend for themselves after the initial treatment (mainly because there was no chance of ever getting the beasts back into the yard after the first treatment most animals only saw a human once a year and were in no way tame or quiet).
From there I moved to Kingaroy and established a large and small animal practice. It was in this area that I developed a love of horse work to complement the love I already had for cattle and small animal veterinary science. Here I became the attending vet to 42 horse studs (of varying sizes) as well as attending the horse work for 8 racing stables. But times change and with the advent of a personal health crisis I was forced to leave Kingaroy and after a period of health rejuvenation, I ended up in Bundaberg.
I then made a professional life-changing decision I decided that my professional life should be centered around the treatment of dogs and cats. I have spent some time attaining higher degrees in the diagnosis and treatment of these animals. Two of these degrees are MACVSc in Internal Medicine of Dogs and Cats. The profession has changed dramatically from the days when I graduated. It has gone from a commercial animal-oriented profession to a preventative small animal-oriented profession. It has changed from a profession that mainly reacted to a problem to a profession that is proactive with the owners to prevent problems before they occur. Now we use the latest in blood testing equipment, powerful x-rays, fiber optics etc to make a diagnosis and we use the latest information in the treatment of animals.

Dr Randall Keyes
B.V.Sc.(Hon) B.V.Biol. M.A.C.V.Sc.(Small Animal Surgery)
Since graduating from the University of Queensland in 1985 I have been involved in practices in Port Perrie S.A., Townsville Qld. and finally, at East Bundaberg since 1989. During my time I have manage to see most of Australia and work with most species including 2 years in a Specialist Equine practice.
However, I have come to find the challenges of small animal practice more rewarding. I prefer to look upon all small animals as companion animals as I feel these animals fulfil an important role in our daily lives and are well worth considering as being part of every family.
I obtained a Membership of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists in small animal surgery in 1996.
Professional interests
- Small animal surgery
- Ophthalmology
- Cardiology
- Animal behaviour with the major focus on small animals.
Personal Interests
Spending as much time as possible with my family, tennis, trying to keep tropical fish alive and looking after the family pets which the children are supposed to do.

Dr Angie Yarrow
After graduating from the University of Queensland in 2015 as a mature aged student, I moved to Bundaberg and began working as a Veterinarian. Along the way I started my family as well. I am currently working as a part time vet at the hospital three days a week, splitting my time between the Bargara surgery and the main hospital at East Bundaberg. I am passionate about Small animal medicine and, Feline and Geriatric medicine and Palliative care.
Professional interests
- Small animal medicine
- Feline medicine
- Geriatric medicine
- Palliative care.
Personal Interests
In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family, including daughter and two cats named Milo and Gizmo, reading and exploring our beautiful coastline. You may also find me rescuing and rehoming a cat or two as I go! I look forward to meeting you at the clinic.