by devteam | Apr 18, 2016 | Cats, Pet Care |
SO YOU HAVE A NEW KITTEN Most cats (short haired) are classified as a low maintenance animal – this means that they tend to look after themselves and you get to enjoy their company without the hassles of having to take them for a walk, without having to groom them...
by devteam | Apr 18, 2016 | Dogs, Pet Care |
3 – 6 MONTHS OF AGE By now the pup is starting to grow up. The muscles are becoming well formed and the baby coat of the animal is starting to change to the adult coat. The fine undercoat is starting to form and if the pup belongs to a breed with long or thick coats...
by devteam | Apr 14, 2016 | Dogs, Pet Care |
SO YOU HAVE A NEW PUPPY, Part 1 Puppies are only young for a short time compared to humans. A human usually is fully grown by the time they are 21 years of age (despite some adolescents feeling that they know everything by the age of 16 years) and in fact the frontal...