Tips on how to look after your arthritic pet from home
Arthritis - The things you can do at home to help your pet As already explained in previous articles - arthritis is an inflammatory condition of the joints in your pet. This inflammation can be temporary or permanent, but in all cases the inflammatory response is...
A common problem with puppy teeth
Baby teeth in animals can cause permanent problems Dental problems, especially in dogs are becoming increasingly more common and luckily the modern dog owner recognises that veterinary intervention is necessary at an early stage. One common problem we see here at East...
Arthritis in your pets and how to help them through winter
Arthritis literally means “inflammation of a joint” and is used for a number of conditions that causes the internal part of the joint to degenerate. As this occurs the joint swells and causes PAIN. Winter months can be very difficult for dogs and cats who have...
Is your female puppy doing this?
Juvenile Vaginitis - A Pain In The Rear End We are often presented with young puppies here at East Bundaberg Veterinary Clinic, that are showing signs of white or yellow discharge from the vulva. Sometimes the owners are aware of the problem and come see us because...
Can my pet get stressed
Yes! Stress can also affect your pets A well recognised conditition that effects humans as part of our society that we live in is stress related conditions. This syndrome of problems can include; heart problems, skin problems, internal organ disfunction, as well as...
Can I give my dog chocolate this Easter
It is best to recognise that there are products available freely in the average household that can be highly toxic to your pet. But another product that a lot of families have in their homes and share with their pet is chocolate. Chocolate contains products...
Why does my dog dig
Digging is a component of normal dog behavior. Domestic dogs dig for the following reasons; To mark a scrape on elimination to bury something to uncover something they perceive as buried to thermoregulate, and to play with something that plays back Digging as part of...
Pyotraumatic Dermatitis (Hot Spots)
What is Pyotraumatic Dermatitis (Hot Spots)? This condition is a common occurrence in the canine species and occasionally in the feline species. The actual causative agent is bacteria called Staphylococcal aureus - this bacteria lives on normal skin and only becomes a...
Tapeworm that affects cats and dogs
What is Spirometra? Spirometra is a type of tapeworm that affects both cats and dogs in our are of Bundaberg, Queensland. The biggest problem is that this tapeworm is NOT killed by the normal tablets that pet owners would normally buy when they 'worm' their pet. This...
Has my pet been bitten by a Red Back spider?
"DUNNY SPIDER" - Only the female is dangerous Every year we are presented with dogs and cats who show signs of spider bite - there is no way pf proving this as we cannot ask the animal if it has been bitten or not and if so- by what. Actually, you can ask the animal...
Cats and flea control
Everything You Need to Know About Cats and Flea Control This week I've have had a few phone calls from owners concerned that their cat has fleas and what can they do about those pesky parasites. Before I get started I want everyone to understand that cats are NOT like...
Should I Clean My Pets Ears
Should I clean the “dirt” out of my dog’s or cat’s ears? With the weather so humid and hot at the moment we are seeing lots of ear problems associated with dogs and cats (especially dogs) and on a daily basis I have discussions with clients who feel their animal has...