4153 1399 71 Princess St, Bundaberg QLD 4670 Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 7:45 am-5:30 pm • Saturday 8:00 am-12:00 pm
Dog under blanket


We have the facilities and the equipment to offer our severely injured and sick animals an intensive care ward. This is a special area away from the normal hospital wards where animals can be monitored closely by our veterinarians and nurses.

In this ward there is specialised equipment to assist in the treatment and monitoring of patients who are in need of special care – both in trying to survive a life threatening illness or injury or patients who are recovering from major surgery.

Each patient has a nurse assigned to them who stays with the animal until the crisis has passed. The patient is kept in an area where we can regulate the temperature of the surrounding environment, there are monitors to detect heart rate, respiration rate, temperature of the animal, blood gas monitors. The animal has blood analysis done as necessary and intensive intravenous fluids and medication are given and monitored by specialised equipment.

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